Sunday, October 20, 2013

Urban Outfitter does social media right

Urban Outfitter has found a successful formula when dealing with social media. Just looking at their Twitter page you can tell that they have put hours of research into what helps create involvement within their community of potential customers. Urban Outfitters has a little over 774,000 followers and they use Twitter to provide those followers with links to some of their popular products. 
Their Twitter page is aimed at people 16-25 and you can tell by the way their page looks. Everything from the background, which provides something interesting for your eyes to look at. This is a nice addition when you think about the amount of twitter pages that have a solid black background that is used when you first sign up for your twitter page.
Another thing that is often overlooked when making a Twitter page is the cover photo. Urban Outfitters uses this photo to its advantage by providing the followers with another photo of its products. The thumbnail that Urban Outfitters chose is a good example of minimal design with it just being two letters. 
Something interesting that I noticed about Urban Outfitters Twitter page is how they use humor in some of their tweets. While a majority of their tweets are aimed to show their followers new products, every now and then Urban Outfitters slips in a humorous tweet which keeps the followers interested in following their tweets.
For many companies that use Twitter or other social media outlets one of the problems they have is followers who become disinterested in their product. Disinterest occurs when companies tweet about themselves constantly without providing a little variety in their content. Urban Outfitters has found a good medium with this problem by retweeting other people when they mention Urban Outfitters or giving followers unique and funny tweets that keep followers engaged in the community. 
Urban Outfitters does a good job of using Cross-Channel Marketing which is providing a consistent message across two channels, which in this case would be Twitter and their website. When clicking on a link in one of their tweets they usually lead you to a page on their website. 
In addition to Urban Outfitters Twitter page they also maintain a Facebook page that has almost 2,000,000 likes. The Facebook page has much of the same information that the Twitter page contains however there is some difference between the two because Urban Outfitters realizes that many of their followers are the same across all the platforms. 
The first thing you notice when looking at the two difference social media sites is the fact that on Urban Outfitters Facebook page every single post has a picture which allows viewers to stay on the Facebook page until they see something that they want to buy. On the Twitter page viewers had to click on the link before they could see the picture which takes up time for the consumers. This option is a nice way to streamline the experience. 

To wrap up Urban Outfitters has one of the best social media presences compared to any other company.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Gov. compares same-sex marriage to incest
Same-sex marriage has become a hotspot for controversial conversations in the last five years. With more and more states choosing to embrace the gay lifestyle and allow them to marry the controversy grows as more states begin to tackle the subject that has so many angry protesters coming out of the woodworks. In an article posted on CNN called, “Gov. compares same-sex marriage to incest” it talks about Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett and his stance against same-sex marriage. Referring to an interview that happened with CNN affiliate WHP-TV, Corbett was quoted comparing same-sex marriage to a union between siblings. 
Shortly after his comments came out the Human Rights Campaign was quick to argue Corbett’s comments by saying that his views are one of an extremist and they are inaccurate and insulting to gay and lesbian couples. 
While Corbett did issue an apology for his words he did not retract them which is only adding to the fuel that same-sex advocators have been brewing for the past few years. 
While the writer does not seem to write towards a certain stance on the subject it comes across to me as though they are for the legalization of same-sex marriage. Based on the first line of the report,”Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett’s stance on same-sex marriage is no secret...” I think it goes a far way in hinting to readers whose side the writer is on in the discussion. 
Siding with the writer I believe that same-sex marriage should be legal, not only in Pennsylvania but, in all 50 states. I feel this way for a number of reasons. 
For starters we now live in a society which the stigmatism towards being gay is not bad like it once was. In fact, depending upon your profession homosexuals are sometimes looked at as superior to heterosexuals. Doing their jobs better, being more relatable and sociable are just a few of the things that gays are sometimes credited with being. 

Adding on to that with the increased number of “out-of-the-closet-gays” it’s more and more likely that almost everyone knows someone who is openly gay. In fact my sister is gay and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She has managed to make a career for herself up in Bayfield, WI, being a manager of a recreation center up there. Being so close to Minnesota my sister is afforded the opportunity to get married when she finds it right to do so but many gay couples are not given such gifts. With the passage of gay marriage laws in all of the 50 states we can come closer to creating equality across the board and break down the barriers that have been placed between same-sex couples and the chance to live happily ever after.